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Webinar: Loan Officer Sales Training (DVD)

Webinar: Loan Officer Sales Training (DVD)


$319.00 - Webinar: Loan Officer Sales Training (DVD)

$219.00 - Webinar: Loan Officer Sales Training (DVD)


Recorded: May 8, 2018

Length: 90 Minutes

Attend this proactive webinar and learn how to ask for the business and actually close the deal! Today’s competitive environment requires the loan officer to be able to “initially” sell the bank’s products and services, negotiate the loan terms and conditions, and close the loan, often in diverse situations. This webinar will emphasize the selling process, “customer” experience, and “roadblocks,” selling and negotiation skill building, effective communications, telephone techniques, and the marketing model. Additionally, related topics will include management skills and styles and technical skills. The session will also cover the importance of the “human” side of selling including “empathy,” “ego,” and “needs” along with diversity and psychodynamic issues. Throughout the session, selling scenarios from the “real life” of a lender will be presented in order to reinforce the selling concepts and improve the bank’s overall business development efforts.

Presenter: David Osburn, Osburn & Associates

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